Saturday, 22 December 2012

Shooting Fear in the Face

I love taking breakfast every morning. Its a ritual that I can't miss. I would rather be late than skip the most important meal of the day.My breakfast consists of strong black coffee (my addiction, am not hardcore enough to do drugs) and an episode of whatever tv series that I am following. This of course means that I have to wake up before the rest of the world to be in class at eight. I love it anyway,given that am not a night owl.

So during breakfast yesterday, I was watching an episode of 90210 and I got an aha moment. Naomi, Annie and Adrianna suprise Silver with presents because she is about to be inseminated. Silver on the other hand is afraid of the insemination because at 20, she is supposed to be the kid and she doesn't want to have all those  responsibilities that come with having a baby. Adrianna advises her that she should have crazy, irresponsible fun before she gets pregnant. And so they list all the things that she is afraid of and she goes on doing them.

And that was it. I couldn't have watched this episode on a better day. I mean with all the talk about the world ending -not that I believed that nonsense for a second-I felt that I should do what I have always been afraid of.

So I decided to wear my killer heels and went to my boss and told her to her face that I am turning the job offer down because the pay was too little for my unique talent and incredible ability. Okay, maybe I didn't say that exactly or even less, to her face, but I wrote her an email and said something close to that. I then bought two horror movies and watched them at night alone. And oh boy, was I scared. But amidst silent screams, I did make it to the end.

I guess what I am trying to say is that fear will always appear to be there, but the good news is that it is never real. There are some things that I have wanted to do  so badly but fear held me back. So I have decided to shoot fear in the face whenever it shows up.

"All that ever holds somebody back, I think, is fear. For a minute I had fear. (Then) I went to the ( dressing) room and shot my fear in the face..."
Lady Gaga

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