Monday, 31 December 2012

Living In The Moment

"Like most humanoids, I am burdened with what the Buddhists call 'monkey mind' - the thoughts swing from limb to limb, stopping only to scratch themselves, spit and howl. From the distant past to the unknowable future, my mind swings wildly through time, touching on dozens of ideas a minute, unharnessed and undisciplined. This in itself is not necessarily a problem; the problem is the emotional attachment that goes along with the thinking. Happy thoughts make me happy, but - whoop!- how quickly I swing again into obsessive worry, blowing the mood; and then its the remembrance of an angry moment and I start to get hot and pissed off all over again; and then my mind decides it might be a good time to start feeling sorry for itself, and loneliness follows promptly. You are, after all, what you think. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions." Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat Pray Love.

Eat Pray Love is one of my favorite books. After a friend of mine lent me her copy, I decided to buy my own copy because, like millions of other women across the globe, I totally identify with Gilbert, except that I have never been married, divorced or been diagnosed with depression. And I think am probably the last person in the world to read the book.

Anyway, regarding the above quote, I can totally relate with Gilbert. Most times I go through life consumed in my own little thoughts and I don't really know what is really going on in the world around me. My mind seems to be all over the place, for example as I am typing this, I am thinking of what colour to paint my nails, I feel bad for wasting my money on a book that isn't as interesting as I thought, I am pissed at my friend's boyfriend who cheated on her, I feel guilty for cancelling plans with a friend, this headache is making me irritable and why do I keep on thinking about the financial management paper I did a little over a month ago? While all this is going on, Mumford & Sons' I Will Wait is playing in the background and I am trying to sing along.

In today's fast world,I find it increasingly difficult to really live in the moment and my thoughts don't make it easier. I find myself multitasking, which saves me time and therefore makes me a better manager of my time. But I also think it is doing more harm to my friendships. I find myself texting while giving relationship advise to a friend or replying an email while randomly hanging out with friends.

As much as it might be hard to quit these habits at once, I think every once in a while its good to stop what am doing and really think about it for a moment. I will be able to enjoy the magnificent sunrise while waiting for the bus at 7 in the morning, I will be a better friend, I will notice my best friend's new haircut and most importantly, I will be more in touch with me.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Unwonted Quote

"If you think sunshine brings you happiness, then you haven't danced in the rain"

Life For Rent

As the new year approaches, it is normal to reflect on the year that was and even make new goals for the next year. For so long, the end of year was never a good time for me since it meant looking back at all the unaccomplished goals. I would then come up with excuses as to why I didn't accomplish the said goals such as mercury was in retrograde, the universe had something better, I didn't have the time and money or the opportunity didn't come up and other bs. I would then cheer up since the new year meant a new beginning and then write down the same goals and not do anything about them and at the end of year blame other factors but me. In short, I lived my life as if it was for rent.

Life is not meant to be for rent. I think everyone should redefine life and live it according to their definition. This may mean embracing the idiosyncratic traits, living hedonistically, taking risks, being a good friend, making mistakes, living in the moment and being oneself. It may also mean that one is more sure of themselves, voicing ones opinions instead of sitting on the fence and not being afraid of following their dreams. I guess what I am trying to say is that we owe it to ourselves to live the life we have always dreamt of. Nothing or no one should stop us.

"Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves- or whether it should be here and now on earth"
Ayn Rand

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Unwonted Quote

"I'll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time
This is the time
To be more than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life"

This is the time- David Cook.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Shooting Fear in the Face

I love taking breakfast every morning. Its a ritual that I can't miss. I would rather be late than skip the most important meal of the day.My breakfast consists of strong black coffee (my addiction, am not hardcore enough to do drugs) and an episode of whatever tv series that I am following. This of course means that I have to wake up before the rest of the world to be in class at eight. I love it anyway,given that am not a night owl.

So during breakfast yesterday, I was watching an episode of 90210 and I got an aha moment. Naomi, Annie and Adrianna suprise Silver with presents because she is about to be inseminated. Silver on the other hand is afraid of the insemination because at 20, she is supposed to be the kid and she doesn't want to have all those  responsibilities that come with having a baby. Adrianna advises her that she should have crazy, irresponsible fun before she gets pregnant. And so they list all the things that she is afraid of and she goes on doing them.

And that was it. I couldn't have watched this episode on a better day. I mean with all the talk about the world ending -not that I believed that nonsense for a second-I felt that I should do what I have always been afraid of.

So I decided to wear my killer heels and went to my boss and told her to her face that I am turning the job offer down because the pay was too little for my unique talent and incredible ability. Okay, maybe I didn't say that exactly or even less, to her face, but I wrote her an email and said something close to that. I then bought two horror movies and watched them at night alone. And oh boy, was I scared. But amidst silent screams, I did make it to the end.

I guess what I am trying to say is that fear will always appear to be there, but the good news is that it is never real. There are some things that I have wanted to do  so badly but fear held me back. So I have decided to shoot fear in the face whenever it shows up.

"All that ever holds somebody back, I think, is fear. For a minute I had fear. (Then) I went to the ( dressing) room and shot my fear in the face..."
Lady Gaga

Monday, 17 December 2012

Unwonted Quote

"Do the one thing that you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it"-Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Unwonted Quote

You are the sky. Everything else....its just the weather.-Pema Chordon

Unwonted Quote

"Regardless of the shadows that cross the moon to make it appear less than it is,to the moon, it is always full to us"- Buddha

Sunday, 9 December 2012

On Choices and Trends

I love social media. I mean, name any social media and I am on it,from Facebook to twitter,from instagram to pinterest and many others. So during my time on the web this week, I read a blog on tumblr that a woman gave birth a couple of weeks ago and named her baby girl Hashtag. Yes the baby's name is #. The hashtag is mostly used on social media especially twitter to create a hyperlink. The hashtag has become so popular that other social media have picked it. And it appears that it has become popular enough for mothers to name their kids.

This story got me thinking about what really influences our choices. I have always believed that life is a matter of choice. Any thing we choose to do now usually has its effects in the future,be it positive or negative. And so I couldn't help but wonder, do we do things for the simple fact that they are popular or do we do things because our society or culture requires us to do so?  What really influences our choices?

I have so much respect for those people who have gone against cultural demands to do what they really want. Call me crazy,but I do have respect for those friends of mine who chose to have kids when still in their teens, those people who have chosen to get married in their early twenties,those women in their thirties and they are not married, those parents who have decided to adopt children and I could go on and on. My point is they have gone against what is culturally expected of them.

When we are born, society has our future planned for us. We go to school,we graduate,we get jobs,we get married,we get kids, dedicate our lives to our kids as they grow,and then die with the satisfaction that we left something behind,our kids. Those people who are not able to follow this already planned route for them often feel left out. People feel like getting married is the key to happiness,they are afraid of what the society will say when they don't have kids and thus they go ahead and have children and struggle to raise them. Pastors are now making alot of money for praying for miracle husbands for single ladies in their thirties, and for couples to have children.

I guess what I am trying to say is make your own choices and don't let the society dictate your choices and make you miserable. Be different. Be unique. Name your baby Hashtag,choose to be childless,be single,be an entrepreneur,live free.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Unwonted Quote

'I have become my own version of an optimist. If I can't make it through one door, I'll go through another door...or I'll make another door. Something terrific will come no matter how dark the present.'-Rabindrath Tagore

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Misguided Ghosts

I am this person who sings along to almost every rock song on the radio,remembers every book I read and spends most of my free time watching tv. It is no surprise, therefore that my motivation and inspiration comes from music,books( non-academic,of course) and generally, the pop culture.

And so yesterday while creating my 'dance-my-way-thin' playlist for my morning work out, I accidentally added Misguided Ghosts by Paramore to the playlist. I am saying accidentally because this song is not one you can actually dance to. Luckily, it was the last song on the list and by the time it was playing I was already tired. Which is to say that I got to really listen to the lyrics and I was like,this is the soundtrack to what I have been going through lately.
This song is about knowing our idiosyncrasies and accepting them. Its about getting out of our comfort zone and embracing the unknown. And realizing that we don't need to follow any path,we should create our own paths instead.

All I am trying to say is,it is okay to be different,it is okay to feel like you do not belong, because you are a misguided ghost and we are not meant to be the same. So love life. Be you and don't apologise for being anyone but you. You are uniquely talented and you should never try being any one but you. And though I have always known this to be true,I can't deny that sometimes I do feel like there is something wrong with some of my quirky habits. Misguided Ghosts confirms that its actually cool to embrace these quirky habits.

'It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else with perfection'-The Bhagavad Gita

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Unwonted Quote

The night kissed the fading day with a whisper: "I am death,your mother, from me you will get new birth."...Rabindrath Tagore

Friday, 23 November 2012

Unwonted Quote

You are a child of the Universe,no less than the moon and the stars;you have the right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should...Max Erhmann