On an episode of The New Normal Shania tells Brian Collins that she is a weirdo and she doesn't like it. Brian tells her that that is a stupid, short sighted wish. He tells her that the most unique parts of us are the ones that are gonna take us to greatness. I do agree with this since I am also a weirdo.
I actually didn't think I was weird until one of my friends pointed it out. I asked her to explain and she came up with a list of things that characterize my behavior, which according to her, are not characteristics of normal people. I did not take offence in her sentiments because abnormal is the new normal.
I am proud of being a weirdo. I like the fact that I don't mind going to a coffee shop and having my favorite beverage alone. I love the fact that I have more books than friends. I like the fact I eat weird combinations of food because I don't like cooking. I also love that I can relate any life situation to a random rock song and the fact that every word reminds me of a rock song. I could go on about my weird characteristics but I think those are enough.
My point is, I am a quirky little weirdo and I like it. I mean really, I am the girl with a blog called Idiosyncratic Hedonist!!